
Heike Bunte, born 1969 in Gütersloh, Germany, has qualified as bicycle mechanic at Zweirad & Zukunft in Hamburg (among others). At present she is very proud of her brandnew Aero Project. She is also a convinced Brompton owner for many years. Lives in Hamburg.

Gisela Daubitz, born 1957 in the Rhineland, made her first folder experiences in the seventies with a "great" silver folding bike, sold it soon - and renounced folders. In the end of the eighties, being bike consultant of the city of Troisdorf, she learned to know "real" folders and got into them with her own bike shop. She does not own a folder but tests them from time to time for the magazine Aktiv Radfahren.

Peter Eland, born 1972 in Oxford, UK, has been editor and publisher of Velo Vision Magazine since early 2001. He has edited HPV-friendly cycling publications for about the last eight years after studying Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, London and at the RWTH, Aachen. A few years ago he built the tandem recumbent tricycle which you see in the picture, taken apart ready for transport by train. Owns a much-modified Birdy among many other bikes. Lives in York, UK.

Gunnar Fehlau, born 1973 in Dortmund, Germany, deals with biking for about 15 years as sportsman (10 times Trondheim-Oslo finisher), developer (co-developer of the Aeroproject) and journalist. Publications in numerous magazins, author of "Das Liegerad" (The Recumbent Bike), "Das Modul-Bike - Faltbare Fahrräder" (The Modular Bike - Foldable Bicycles)", "1000 Tipps für Biker" and "1000 Tipps für Radreise".
To support "quality bikes and their use" he has founded the Pressedienst Fahrrad (Bicycle news service). He tends to collect folding bikes (small folded packages first): Frog, Birdy, Bike Friday, Airnimal and Moulton ...

Arndt Last agreed to be patron of this contest, so he will not be a juror. Nevertheless we want to introduce him here:
Arndt Last, born 1966 in Mannheim, Germany, has ridden a self-made long-wheelbase recumbent since 1986 and has built many interesting machines - such as a frame made from hairspray cans, or his recumbent unicycle ... After four years as president of the German HPV Club he is now its vice president. He works as a physicist in microoptical science. Lives in Karlsruhe, Germany, after completing his studies.

Peter de Leuw, born 1967, has owned a recumbent since 1991 and a folding bike since 1996. With Ulli Gehrmann he launched www.birdy-freunde.de in 2001, an independent information centre and forum for Birdy owners. Qualified as food chemist he's a fulltime house husband and father at the moment. Before then he worked as an instructor in computer networking. Lives in Hamburg, Germany.
Unfortunately Peter de Leuw had to cancel his participation!

Sabine Nowak, born 1966, studied electrical engeneering in Bavaria, afterwards she went to Berlin to qualify as bicycle mechanic. For some years she worked in bike shops in Berlin and Hannover. Her first recumbent experience was a homemade model, built by a friend. Since working for Räderwerk she also discovered folding bikes.

Claudia Thaler, born 1962 in Esslingen, Germany, made her first bike experiences with a folder. Meanwhile she owns a Brompton, above all fore use with public transport and a Hase Pino (a kind of hybrid tandem - recumbent in front, upright in the rear). Her professions are technical drafting and trained clerical working. She was secretary of th ADFC Stuttgart for six years. Author of two guides for family bike tours. She works for Schmidt Maschinenbau (SON hub dynamo) in Tübingen, Germany.

Rainer Zenz, born 1959 in Wuppertal, Germany, got his first bicycle on his twelfth birthday - oh no! a folding bike! After a period with racing bikes he went back to his roots with a Moulton AM in 1991. Since 1999 he has also been the owner of a much-modified Brompton. In autumn 2002 he founded www.bromptonauten.de, the equivalent of the Birdy-Freunde. In real life his profession is typography and web design. Lives in Berlin since 1991.
