Registration for competitors may take place just before the contest starts on April 24, 2004 at 11:30 AM. It is requested to register earlier if possible.
Registered competitors may (but must not) introduce themselves and present their project here in outline. Please send a brief technical description and CV with some photos if possible. The currently known competitors in alphabetic order:

Wolfgang Bion, born 1969, lives in Cologne, Germany. His profession is information technology. Hi builds recumbent bikes since 1992. He never bought one and never tried a production machine - until his 3rd built.
Unfortunately Wolfgang Bion had to cancel his participation!
His main goals are light weight, comfort and a short folding time. The package should be flat and narrow, lenght is not that important. So it will fit into train's luggage racks. Folding will be possible with three movements. All parts remain connected - nothing to unmount. The bike called "Flip" then works as a "porter" on the platform. The bike will have full suspension.
Further details: (in German)

Bike Friday (represented by the German importer Velodoctor) participates with the "Sat R Day".
The Sat R Day is a custom made foldable/separable production machine with short wheelbase.
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Stefan Daniel, [Translation coming soon] geboren 1965 in Nordhorn, aufgewachsen in Hannover, Studium der Verfahrenstechnik an der TU Clausthal, währenddessen in der elterlichen Waschküche aus Alu-Profilen einen dreirädrigen Liegestuhl zusammengenietet. Mitarbeit in der studentischen Fahrradreparaturwerkstatt. Nach dem Studium hat er erst als CAD-Ingenieur und dann als Betriebsingenieur in einem Ziegelei- und Feldbahnmuseum im Brandenburgischen gearbeitet. Dort vom ersten Geld ein Ostrad gekauft. Dann Promotion in der Schweißtechnik wieder an der TU Clausthal. Zur Zeit erziehender Vater beim zweiten Kind.
[Translation coming soon] Zum "Langschiff" kam er durch Thomas Kretschmer, der eine Einheit von Tretlager, Vorderradnabe und Getriebe entwickelt hatte. Mit dieser Nabe (starre Übersetzung 1:3) baute er das Rad als Designstudie. Sie nahmen 2000 am Konstruktionwettbewerb auf der Cyclevision Lelystadt teil, die Nabe wurde für einen Preis nominiert. Stefan fährt die Designstudie heute noch, wenn es nicht gerade in die Berge geht (eine Schaltung muß noch entwickelt werden).
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Hase Lepus, more coming soon. We are not sure if it will compete.

Werner Häuser, competitor of the 1. contest, is registered again, we don't know more yet.
Unfortunately Werner Häuser had to cancel his participation. Get well soon!
His bike is made of steel, with front drive, 20"-wheels and foldable in four steps. We hope to find more details soon.

Frank Hertstein, born 1967 in Coelbe near Marburg, Germany, married, three children, profession: librarian. A biker all his life he discovered recumbents 2000. Dissatisfied with the first one, he began to build them on his own. Low racers, child recumbents, Flevos ... A special advantage of folding recumbents in his eyes is free transportation by train without any reservation.
The bike should be more handy and faster foldable than a Flevo. It will not be too delicate and tiny - it must fit a 6.4 ft rider. He didn't decide yet on two designs, so a concrete description is missing here. Definitly it will have a front-wheel drive.
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Hanno Hirsch, born 1961 in Karlsruhe, Germany, married, one child, profession: electrical engineer. Since 1994 recumbent owner and activ member of the German HPV, designer and builder of folding and non folding recumbents. "I place my hopes in folding recumbents acting together with public transportation for better mobility, promoting this kind of mobility and reducing car traffic in the long run."
The Twist's concept is "less is more". As a "Flevolike" it doesn't need a handlebar and the coaster brake works really suffuciently. The Twist MK 1 did a good job in everyday use and on tour. The MK 2 will go on with this concept more consequently. Separated into three pieces it fits into ab bag with shoulder straps, so you can take it as a backpack - that makes handling easier in crowded trains and on platforms.
The bike has a 3 speed hub gear and full suspension.
Detailed description (in German)

Ingo Kollibay, competitor of the 1. contest, is registered again, we don't know more yet.

Frank Lienhard, competitor of the 1. contest, is registered again, we don't know more yet.

Juliane Neuß, competitor of the 1. contest, is registered again, more coming soon.
She will compete again with the "Brekki" (Brompton Recumbent Konversion Kit).
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Stephen Nurse lives in Melbourne, Australia. He is a mechanical engineer and builds recumbent bikes since learning about them in a trip to Germany in 1986. So far he has built nine or ten or so, including tandems and several versions of a modular bike. As well as helping to organise rides for recumbent riders in the Melbourne area, he helped to start the IHPVA "Recumbent Library of Cad". Married to Christine with a twelve year-old son, Ewan, who is his copilot on tandem expeditions.
This is a 24"/20" collapsible version of the "Hammerhead Special" bike. The rear forks flex are providing some "suspension" and the bigger front wheel provides a larger diameter for reasonable speeds with standard bike parts and better suspension characteristics. The frame splits underneath the seat, with the frame clamps doubling as supports for the timber seat. The steering is under-seat and consists of two handlebars, one on each fork blade. One handlebar has controls that relate to the front wheel (gear change, brake), the other has controls that relate to the rear wheel (brake only), so removal of the handlebars allows separation of the frames without disturbing brake or gear adjustment. This is a "travel bike" with the aims of excellent handling characteristics and disassembly for train & air travel.
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Richard Sadler lives in Quakertown, Pennsylvania (USA). He is mechanical engineer for a manufacturer of semiconductor assembly equipment.
He races a streamliner in the US HPRa races and takes long (500 km) tours on his recumbents.
His 4th homebuilt bike has a 130 cm wheelbase, 406 mm wheels, chrome-moly steel frame, universal joint steering, rear suspension and a 3 x 7 rear hub. Frame quick-folds at two hinges down to 112 x 81 x 30 cm. It packs even smaller if the seat and front wheel are removed.

Martin Schleich, competitor of the 1. contest, is registered again, we don't know more yet.

Ian Sims from the Australian trike builder Greenspeed competes with the foldable GT3.
The GT3 has 16" wheels.
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Bram Smit, competitor from the Netherlans, we don't know more yet.
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Heiko Stebbe, born 1964, lives in Hude near Oldenburg, Germany. From 1987 to 1993 he built about 20 experimental HPVs, some of them for every day use. One of these bikes has been converted to a folder for the competition.
This folding recumbent has many parts, most of which are used on the Brompton Recumbent conversion kit detailed on this page. The difference is that the middle folding part is left out, so that a narrow folding size is achieved. The length when folded wasn't that important. A folding left crank is part of the design. I had a mesh seat and wanted to include that as well: it packs together with the other parts to make a small folded size.
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